Another Year End Stock Take and a review of the year and how it has gone.

Well I realise that after checking the stock against the levels on the website that  we have 32 items in the stock room that are not on the website, so that will be our first priority to ensure that they are all photographed, described and uploaded for your delectation and delight!!

The stock room is now tidy but still overflowing and I realise too that we shall perhaps later this year be looking for additional space.

This year has shown a steady growth for the business with turnover doubling on the previous year. I am delighted to say that we now have a super Accountancy Firm in Wales looking after us - James de Frias who have also arranged our incorporation. So as of the 1st April we shall be trading as Lovehooks Limited. 

We have received some very helpful reviews from Customers all of which we appreciate hugely and some lovely compliments to our Customer Service. We will continue to polish this aspect of the company and would like to encourage you to engage with us in this regard. The more we hear from you the more we learn and the more we improve. Our customer base appears to stretch far and wide with increasing numbers going over to Australia. We look after Builders and Hotels as well as residential customers and Nursery Schools and are still very keen to extend our growth to those needing larger quantities.

In the forthcoming year we will again look to better the visual aspect of the website and continue to source new and imaginative hooks and racks. I shall be looking to include more video content and improve on the photography. We have yet to decide whether advertising is a beneficial investment but we are enormously grateful to Dispirito Design for the Advertisement shown at the Ideal Home Show in March and April of this year.

We continued our charitable support of the Movember Foundation this year with a modest sum raised and are now considering our Charity for this year. Please let us know if you have a charity you would like us to support.

We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. You can contact us via the website contact form, via email to or by phone on 01452 309124.


Victoria x

Victoria K Willoughby 2015

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