While many of us dream of a big open kitchen with masses of space and the kind of hidden-away, sleek storage solutions you see on programs like Grand Designs, for many of us this sadly isn’t the reality. It can be so easy for a kitchen to become cluttered and this clutter has the power to take over the entire space and often discourages us from spending time in there. 

However, here at Love Hooks we believe that the kitchen is the heart of the home so we thought we’d offer you a few to tips on how to keep your kitchen clutter-free and a delightful clear space to cook up a storm or unwind with a pot of tea. 

1. Keep your counters cleared

Fish Rack

Our kitchen counters can become pretty dominated by technology today. From our coffee machines, blenders and food processors to toasters and kettles, our kitchen appliances are taking over. While some essentials may need to be out all of the time (especially if you’re a big tea drinker) storing the rest behind closed doors will free up a load of surface space. 

2. Make storage a feature

Afternoon Tea

If you’re short of storage and really can’t afford to keep everything hidden away then transfer some of your packed-goods into more attractive containers like old-fashioned clip-lock glass jars or pretty tins. This should free up some room to hide away those ugly appliances! Ensuring coordination and uniformity with your containers will help add a finished feel to your room. e of your 

3. Streamline your space
If you’re lacking in storage space, think creatively about how to use the space that you’ve got. For instance, using hooks from our Kitchen range can save a lot of surface and cabinet space and add a decorative touch too. Our Kitchen Pot Hanger with hooks is ideal for the job and makes for a real stand-out feature, but you could also get inventive and re-purpose our painted shelf rack with hooks to store things on top in addition to hanging pots and pans below. 

4. Consider reworking your cupboards 

Fork Key Rack

There are loads of really cool designs out there that aim to maximise your storage space. Pull-out cabinets are great for using all of the space in your cupboards and also help you get organised and spend less time rummaging around for items! A cheaper option is to invest in some cabinet organisers. 

5. Spring Clean!
Spring has most certainly sprung and if you haven’t gotten on top of things already then it’s time to have a good spring clean! Be ruthless and get rid of any cracked crockery or useless gizmos and gadgets that you know you don’t use.

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