Top tips for getting your shed organized this Spring

The sun is shining, the rain is pouring… British Spring is by all means upon us. While this bipolar weather has most of us grumbling, it makes for the perfect conditions for our gardens to bloom, meaning that once the warm weather decides to stabilise a little, it’s time to get those green fingers out. But with all the gardening ahead, the last thing you want is to be either constantly in search of, or constantly tripping over, your tools. Forget beach ready, it’s time to get shed ready!

1. Make some space

Your shed shouldn’t be a storage unit, remove any bits and bobs you may have cluttered it up with over the winter in order to make room for all your gardening tools and supplies. (Additional tip - a great way to create some space is by hanging up your tools, so be sure to check out our garage & shed range!)Watering Cans Hook Rack

2. Organise your shelves

…Or if you don’t have any, invest in some! Shelf or no shelf, be sure to organize the contents of your shed so that you know what new supplies you may need to replenish.

3. Give your tools some attention

Who else avoided cleaning their tools before packing them away? But now is the time to get them back in tiptop shape. Likewise, check that any hooks that you may have are in good condition – you don’t want any tools falling on your head!

4. Get rid of any unwanted guests

Garden sheds are popular nesting spots for rodents so make sure yours hasn’t been taken over by a fury family during the winter.

5. Spruce it up

Garden Coat Rack

Give the shed a good sweep and mop and perhaps even a new lick of paint! 

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