Yep they have been back at school for just one week and are you already finding school bags and coats strewn across the floor, wet swim kits on the bed and general mess?? how many times have you asked your cherubs this week to hang their coats up or put their things away? lots I bet. But have you considered that what you are asking them to hang their coat on is boring or tired or broken or just plain dull????

SOLUTION.......that will not cost the earth :)

how about a cheerful Tortoise or a Cheeky Monkey for the little ones.

or if they are more adult how about a bit of shabby chic or the distressed look for the girls and for the young man in the house a Brushed chrome and wood affair

Masses and masses of great ideas on the LOVE HOOKS website...just browse through our pages and you will find what you are looking for


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